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Keyboard shortcuts, secret key to increase your digital efficiency

# Keyboard shortcuts

“Keyboard shortcuts: the secret key to increase your digital efficiency”

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In the age of digital technology, it has become imperative for individuals to possess computer skills, and these skills include one of the most important tools: keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts help users navigate quickly and efficiently in different work environments, increasing their productivity. In this article, we will address keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10 and Windows 7, in addition to shortcuts used in Microsoft Word and Excel, and we will review how to use these shortcuts and their benefits in facilitating work and saving time.

## Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10


Windows 10 is one of the most widely used operating systems, and it contains a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that make it easier for users to navigate and perform tasks easily. Here are some important shortcuts:

  1. **Windows + D**: Reduces all current windows and desktop width.
  2. **Windows + L**: Quickly locks your computer.
  3. **Alt + Tab**: Easily switch between open apps.
  4. **Windows + E**: Opens File Explorer directly.

Using these shortcuts helps users perform tasks more quickly and reduces reliance on the mouse, making them feel comfortable while working on the computer.

Mac keyboard shortcuts: Speed up productivity and improve performance

The Mac operating system is one of the finest operating systems available, and is known for its elegant graphical interface and ease of use. To enhance your Mac experience, keyboard shortcuts can play a big role in improving your productivity. In this article, we will review the most prominent keyboard shortcuts in Mac and how they can help you speed up your daily tasks.

Top keyboard shortcuts in Mac

General abbreviations

  1. Command(⌘) + C: Copies the selected text or elements.
  2. Command(⌘) + V: Paste the copied text or items.
  3. Command(⌘) + X: Cuts selected text or items.
  4. Command (⌘) + Z: Undo the last action.
  5. Command (⌘) + A: to select all.
  6. Command(⌘) + S: to save the current document.

Manage windows and apps

  1. Command (⌘) + Tab: Switches between open applications.
  2. Command(⌘) + M: Reduces the current window to the taskbar.
  3. Command (⌘) + H: Hides the current application. Command (⌘) + Q: to exit the current application.

System navigation

  1. Command (⌘) + Space: Opens Spotlight to search for apps and documents.
  2. Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + Esc: Opens the “End Apps” window to close unresponsive applications.
  3. Command (⌘) + Num Lock: Switches the input mode between one language and another.

Mac shortcuts

Shortcuts in Safari browser:

  1. Command(⌘) + T: to open a new tab.
  2. Command(⌘) + W: Closes the current tab.
  3. Command(⌘) + R: Refreshes the page.

Shortcuts in productivity apps (e.g. Pages, Keynote, Numbers):

Command(⌘) + N: to create a new document.

  1. Command(⌘) + P: to print the current document.
  2. Command(⌘) + E: Exports the document.

## Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7

Although Windows 7 is a relatively old operating system, it still contains shortcuts that increase the effectiveness of use. Here are some useful shortcuts:

  1. **Windows + M**: Reduces all open windows.
  2. **Ctrl + Esc**: For quick access to the Start menu.
  3. **Alt + F4**: Closes the current window quickly.

These shortcuts are especially useful for users who are still using older computers, as they can help them adapt to newer operating systems.

## Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used text-editing programs, and its keyboard shortcuts speed up the typing and editing process. Here are some important shortcuts:

  1. **Ctrl + C**: Copies the selected text.
  2. **Ctrl + V**: Paste the copied text.
  3. **Ctrl + B**: To make text stand out.
  4. **Ctrl + I**: To make the text italic.
  5. **Ctrl + S**: Saves the document periodically.
  6. **Ctrl + Z**: Undo the last action.

Knowing these abbreviations can increase the effectiveness of an individual when writing documents, whether they are a student or an employee, making working on documents faster and easier.

## Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for data management and analysis, and it also contains highly efficient shortcuts. Here are the main ones:

  1. **Ctrl + N**: To create a new workbook.
  2. **Ctrl + F**: Opens the search box.
  3. **Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down**: Moves between different sheets in the workbook.
  4. **Alt + =**: Automatically sums selected cells.

These shortcuts help analysts and entrepreneurs manage data effectively, saving time and effort in handling large amounts of information.

## How to use shortcuts and how effective they are

Using keyboard shortcuts is important for users of all ages, as it reduces mouse dependence and helps get things done faster. In order to make the most of them, users should practice using shortcuts frequently until they become second nature.

In addition, shortcuts can reduce fatigue from prolonged mouse use, increasing user comfort while working.

In the end, studies show that people who use keyboard shortcuts are more efficient and more productive in their work. These skills are not only for those with technical experience, they are useful for everyone ranging from students to professionals in various fields.

Benefits of using keyboard shortcuts

Take advantage of Mac keyboard shortcuts in several ways:

  • Increase productivity: Shortcuts help you get things done faster without having to navigate with your mouse.
  • Save time: Shortcuts reduce the time spent performing repetitive actions, giving you more time to focus on the business that matters.
  • Improve efficiency: When you master keyboard shortcuts, you feel more in control of your digital environment, enhancing your sense of efficiency.

## Conclusion

In conclusion, keyboard shortcuts are a vital tool in the age of modern technology. These shortcuts help users improve their productivity and quickly adapt to digital work environments. By understanding and using shortcuts available in systems like Windows 10 and Windows 7, as well as programs like Microsoft Word and Excel, users can improve their speed and efficiency in performing tasks. As technology continues to evolve, it becomes imperative that we learn and master these tools effectively, enhancing our digital skills in the modern world.

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